Our Team

The Society is entirely run by volunteers. The Trustees, all volunteers, manage the day-to-day business, and if you need to contact one of us here are the email addresses of the Trustees. Please bear in mind that we are all volunteers and so the reply may not be immediate.

Susan Cooper
Susan Cooper

Oversees the general functioning of the society.

Joan Robertson
Elizabeth Johnston
Elizabeth Johnston

Manages the finances.

Beth Fullerton
Beth Fullerton
Membership Secretary

Queries about membership addressed to this email.

Elinor Nicolson
Elinor Nicolson
General Secretary

Planning a visit? Book through the secretary.

Jasmine Moncrieff
Jasmine Moncrieff
Research Secretary

We are able to provide advice on Shetland ancestry and, for members of the Society, some research into our collections.

Morag Nicolson
Morag Nicolson
Librarian and Sales Rep

We have a collection of books relating to Shetland and family history research.

Alan Beattie
Alan Beattie
Editorial Lead

Submissions for the journal (Coontin Kin) or the Members’ Area of the website should be addressed here.

Kate Canter
Database Coordinator

Please send any additions or amendments for the database to this address. Enquiries about the database should be addressed to the Research Secretary.

Joyce Henderson
Joyce Henderson
MI Project Coordinator
Jean Gifford
General Committee Member
Barbara Gray
General Committee Member
Janet Shearer
SAFHS Representative
Linda Riddell
Linda Riddell
SAFHS Representative